[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-15.]

(Josephine, that rash on my belly is back…)

Today’s picture should (at least in part) evoke an era. An era named for one short man… the game might also evoke a New York brownstone, but I don’t happen to have one of those lying around.

By my calculations, we should be at the halfway mark. And by further calculating, we should have all raised an average of $125 to reach a monthly mark of $5000. That does not appear to be the case, and it is clear I for one am in the lower standard deviation, and so am shirking my duties. Expect that to change.

The game for Day Fourteen is Chainmail, a minatures game first designed by Jeff Perren, expanded by a friend of his in the LGTSA, and published by Guidan Games in 1971. It was inspired by Siege of Bodenburg, one of the early miniatures games, and was primarily intended to be played as a historical medieval warfare game (like Bodenburg). However, it is most notable for the Fantasy Supplement, which were a set of rules that allowed players to fight fantastical creatures. Thus it was one of the first of many fantasy miniatures games to come.

Now if Fantasy Flight would only put out a Lizardman expansion for BattleLore, I’d be a happy man. [No such luck… – Ed.]

This entry was posted on Sunday, July 15th, 2018 at 12:00 pm and is filed under Board games. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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